Thursday, July 19, 2007

On the rebound

Both grandmothers visited Ella yesterday, the little princess had no shortness of visitors. She is getting more feisty and moving more; which is good; but she does not like being hooked to the machines. Her new famous words seem to be " Daddy get me out of here"...Jason just keeps telling her that is not happening yet... or "I want Auntie and Papa" . This morning with the help of Mom and Dad she put her Ariel toothbrush to work. She is much better today and seems to be on the right track to recovery.

Last night they were able to get alot of the fluid off of her lungs but she is remaining on the C-Pap. They took her off briefly but her stats plummeted so back on the machine she went. In case anyone is wondering the C-Pap is a machine that holds her lungs open because her diaphragm is not working properly.
Unfortunately she can not step down from the PICU until she is off the C-Pap.
There was nerve damage to the diaphragm cause by the ice that her hart was wrapped in during the surgery...although it is not permit it does heal sporadically in a time frame of 2 days to 6 weeks. This nerve damage is what cause the lung to collapse, which by the way is getting much better. Our little Ella is quite a trooper. The only bad news is the hospital stay is going to be longer then we all expected.

Today the nurses are going to try and get Ella into a chair the more movement for her the better for recovery...They are also planing to have the opposite pacer wires from her heart, remember one side was removed yesterday, and the line in her jugular is coming out. Once the cheast tube is done draining it too can come out, Jason said it drained alot last night so it is still doing its job and most likely not ready to be removed today. Maybe today I can get Mommy or Auntie to send a picture of our PICU Princess for the you all to see...

I'll be sure to let you all know of any changes and remember no news is good news :)

Have a great day... Nik and Jay send there love to all of you

Love, Lisa


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the update on Ella.So glad things are progressing a little bit every day.Tell Ella RaRa loves her & can't wait to see her. Love to Jay & Nik. Roni

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear things are getting better each day. Keep being feisty Ella. You have every right:)Princess Brenna says hello!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ella, we knew you could do it. sounds like you are spoiled rotted in there. You deserve it, keep up the good work!
Marylou & Ed

Anonymous said...

TPop & Gran said
We love you so much & are always so amazed day to day that we are there with you by your bedside watching over you and we are so proud of your strenth & love that you share with all of us.
Love TPop & Gran