Thursday, July 19, 2007


I just got a picture from Denise's Cell.....Ella's Coloring is AWESOME

The Follow-up article about Ella is going to be in Sunday's Frederick News Post

and in case anyone is interested the following link is a segment from Today's Good Morning America, It is about Williams Syndrome...That is what Tatum was DX'ed with at 6weeks


Anonymous said...

you're right! what a princess! we're all so delighted to see her picture and her coloring does look great! good shot auntie! ella has many angels and prayers with her, so we hope mom and dad are taking a break for some rest!

thanks so, so much for the updates and heads-up on the fnp article. we look forward to checking ella's blog several times a day.

lots of love, hugs and kisses!
the simons

Anonymous said...

Ella you look beautiful!