Saturday, July 21, 2007

What a difference a day makes!!!!

Ella started the day in the PICU with a chest tube, neck line and oxgen at 40 percent and ended the day in "step down"!!
They removed all of her lines and the chest tube with the exception of one IV line in her hand in case they need it. She sat up, ate and was able to walk (a few steps with MUCH drama). Mom and Gran got her situated, with IV pole and oxygen tank in tow. The nurses encouraging her and bribing her to walk to the waiting room. Ella, being our little PICU Princess, walked 4 steps and sat down in the middle of the floor and told her Mom to "put me back in my bed and let me watch my movie"!!!
Not happening, we made her get up, to try again ,she walked 10 steps before she was carried back to bed to watch her movie!! Daddy's favorite Scooby Doo video.
To quote a PICU nurse " You have a future Oscar winning actress on your hands"!!
Ella was moved tonight to the pediatric floor and has a pink room with a pull out bed. Mom and/or dad can spend the night comfortably rather than Jason trying to stay awake in a straight back chair!!! Her coloring is good, her oxygen levels are good and she is hungry!

Today's funny stories - Ella has been receiving much appreciated mail from her friends and when it was brought to her to open tonight (after she provides a few good strong coughs, on bribery basis) she was asked to open the envelopes. In a small pathetic little voice, she said, "I can't", and looked away. When asked why? and she said " b/c my arms hurt". When asked why her arms hurt she looked down and responded - without skipping a beat - "because I had surgery". It took a lot to keep from laughing!! Her personality is definitely back!!
Her Pop-Pop could not make it down today so when she called him tonight to say goodnight he told her he was coming to see her in the morning.
He asked her if there was anything she wanted him to bring her and again, without skipping a beat and in a dramatic, sad little voice she responded "flowers, Pop-Pop", "pink and blue ones". Again It took everything not laugh.

The doctors are pleased with her progress, as everyone is. Yesterday was filled with love and kisses from Nannie and Poppie and Gran and T-Pop. Auntie, Mom and Dad were also there to hold her hand and watch movies with her.Her progress is getting stronger by the hour!! Thank you to everyone who has kept her in their prayers, It is truly appreciate by everyone! I'll have another update in the morning!

Lisa/Denise :)


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic day!! So glad to hear Ella is doing so well!! We really love hearing the stories!! Keep up the good work I know why you and Sarah get along so well...both of you are truly Princesses!! Hope to see you soon!! Love..Sarah's Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Ella!
Alexandra and Jemma are reading all about your recovery and are very proud of you. Allie wants to know when you'll be feeling better and Jemma wants to know when you'll be back on your cool Barbie Jeep. We love you and think of you every day. Cards are on the way : )
xoJemma, Allie, & Ellen